Rose Hill Florist

Rose Hill Florist

Posted by Rose Hill Flowers on February 28, 2017 | Last Updated: March 5, 2017 Uncategorized

St. Patrick’s Day Flowers and Decor

St. Patrick's Day flowers
On March 17th, Nashville will go green as the spirit of St. Patricks Day takes over! Tradition says that you do not have to be Irish to celebrate this holiday – and from the wearing of the green to the corned beef and cabbage for dinner, everyone gets in on the fun. There are many fun facts and strange traditions associated with the day, so grab your favorite green beverage and learn a bit more about this popular day.

Did You Know? The traditional green that permeates the day is reminiscent of “the Emerald Isle”. Ireland is famous for beautiful, rolling green hills. If you want to decorate your home with green flowers and plants, you only need look to Rose Hill Flowers. We have all the green St. Patrick’s Day flowers you need, from whimsical designs to elegant arrangements.

  • St. Patrick was not Irish, and his name is not really Patrick! As a young man born in Great Britain, Maewyn Succat was kidnapped by pirates and held captive in Ireland. After his release, he became a Catholic priest and dedicated his life to being a missionary in Ireland. He was so beloved that upon his death, the Gaelic people instituted the feast day to honor “Father Patrick”.
  • Patrick never drove snakes out of the country. Historians have determined that this is a myth, likely connected to his “driving out” of pagan religions as Christianity took hold.

    St. Patrick's Day flowers
    There are currently less than 5 million people in Ireland, but over 36 million people of Irish descent in the United States. The great wave of immigrants came to the U.S. during the famines in Ireland in the 1800s. The immigrants settled primarily in New York and Boston, where there are still large populations.

  • The shamrock is associated with St. Patrick’s Day because the priest used the three-leafed clover to teach his converts about the concept of the Trinity.
  • There is only one four-leaf clover for every 10,000 of the more common variety. You really would have the “luck of the Irish” if you found one!
  • Wearing green on March 17th has become such an accepted part of our traditions, that it is also considered acceptable to pinch someone who refuses to do so!st. patrick's day flowers
    Rose Hill Flowers uses unique and exquisite flowers  – like green trick dianthus, green orchids, and green mums – to create the most beautiful floral designs in Nashville. Call us today to send a little Irish spirit to your Celtic friends and family with St. Patrick’s Day flowers.