Rose Hill Florist

Rose Hill Florist

Posted by Rose Hill Flowers on January 8, 2015 Uncategorized

How to Celebrate National Houseplant Appreciation Day

You’ve just made your New Year’s resolutions, and it’s time to see if you can keep them in 2015. National Houseplant Appreciation Day on January 10th is a great time to keep that promise you made to keep your home clean and green.

Did you know that houseplants improve the air quality in your home? A study in the 1980s found that many common houseplants act as filters to remove harmful chemicals from the air in the home. National Houseplant Appreciation Day is a terrific way to introduce something that’s beautiful and healthy into your house.

No Green Thumb? No Problem!

If you despair of ever getting a houseplant to grow and thrive in your home, look no further than the spider plant. Not only will your spider plant clean your home’s air, but it will also live even if you forget to water it for an eternity. The white and cream variegated leaves will match any décor.

If you feel up to the challenge, you might try a European garden basket that features a variety of houseplants that are easy to grow. Houseplants grow slowly, so they rarely need pruning. Removing a few spent leaves and watering the plant occasionally is quite enough to keep most houseplants thriving in a sunny spot in your home.

Choosing Shapes and Sizes

When you think of houseplants, a small, round pot or a tidy little plant might come to mind. However, if you’ve got the room, the houseplant you decide upon for National Houseplant Appreciation Day might be a climbing wall of green, a string of ivy, or a miniature tree that you’ll one day relocate outside. Try a tropical bromeliad for a houseplant that’s striking and out-of-the-ordinary.

If you’d like to try growing a climbing plant in your home, you might try porthos on a pole. Imagine a humble little plant that stands just a foot tall and eventually grows up toward your ceiling and winds its way around a bookshelf or along the top of your kitchen cabinets. Even when that plant stretches around the room, you’ll still just need to water it from one simple pot.

Get an early start on beautifying your home in 2015 with a lovely houseplant from Rose Hill Flowers for an entryway table or a sunny windowsill.