Rose Hill Florist

Rose Hill Florist

Posted by Rose Hill Flowers on March 31, 2016 Uncategorized

Best Ways to Celebrate Lawn and Garden Month

lawn and gardenApril is one of our favorite months around here. Springtime is finally taking hold, and the threat of cold weather is becoming a memory with each passing day. Nashville is beautiful in springtime, that cannot be denied.

Fittingly, April is set aside nationally as lawn and garden month. But for those who live in condominiums or apartments, gardening may seem like something that is out of reach. However, never fear, spring lovers! Rose Hill Flowers has the answer for those who love all things spring, but are working with limited space.

lawn and garden lawn and garden lawn and garden

This April, container gardening is a great way to celebrate lawn and garden month! There are many great reasons to try your hand at this alternative form of gardening – but mostly, we love that you can bring the garden indoors, or into small spaces, while utilizing creativity and personal taste to develop a meaningful oasis. Any container that can hold soil and drain water is appropriate, and is ready to become a self-contained miniature garden. From bicycle baskets to coffee cans; from Nashville memorabilia to wheelbarrows – the possibilities are endless. At Rose Hill Flowers, we have many pre-designed dish gardens, baskets and containers to get you started!

lawn and garden

Another awesome way to bring the spring indoors is with potted trees and ferns. We already know that there are major health and wellness benefits to having living green plants in close proximity, but we usually stop at one or two. How about creating a veritable jungle of green on a porch or deck? Surround yourself with a rain forest of fronds and branches; intersperse with bromeliads and orchids for a true tropical ambiance. Outdoors or in, your own personal sanctuary is sure to promote serenity.

If you love springtime, come into Rose Hill Flowers and speak to one of our experts. We’d love to help you to create a unique home garden. What better way to head into spring and summer, than with a personal oasis of flowering greens?