Rose Hill Florist

Rose Hill Florist

Experts in the Art of Expression | Rated 4.9 on Wedding Wire

Patriotic Bouquets & Gifts for July 4th

Summer is in full swing! And as June comes to a close, the country turns its eyes to Independence Day, one of the most anticipated days of the summer season. Picnics, parades, and fireworks dominate the family fun - and in Nashville, of course, there is a lot of music as well! Patriotic bouquets and floral arrangements are a bright and colorful way to bring the spirit of American pride to any gathering, and Rose Hill Flowers has exactly what you need to beautifully showcase the red, white & blue. Did You Know? Red signifies valor and sacrifice, white stands for purity of heart, and blue for perseverance, loyalty, and justice.  Read More about Patriotic Bouquets & Gifts for July 4th »
Posted by Rose Hill Flowers on June 22, 2017 | Last Updated: June 25, 2017 Uncategorized