It’s easy to visit your neighborhood florist and find a beautiful bouquet of red roses for Valentine’s Day. However, if you’re looking to try something special this year, you might think about a color other than red.
Red roses are and always will be the classic flowers of love, and they’ll always be the most popular flower on Valentine’s Day. However, there are so many shades of vibrant roses you can give your significant other this year.
The Enthusiasm and Passion of Orange
When you decide to give orange roses, you’re giving your loved one a rose that means passion, excitement, and enthusiasm. When you want to say, “I love you” with a bright and vibrant color, orange is the perfect way to do so.
Orange roses don’t have the long and storied history of red roses, and they’re not classic like white roses. Orange roses are new and interesting, and when you put a few dozen in a vase, there’s literally nothing more eye-catching and surprising.
The Friendship of Yellow
Valentine’s Day is about love, but it’s also about companionship and the camaraderie of friends. Yellow roses are a beautiful choice if you want to give a friend roses that come with warm feelings of friendship. Yellow roses will brighten anyone’s day, and they’ll be sure to make the entire room glow with happiness.
Did you know that the yellow rose didn’t always smell like a rose? Early cultivators of this friendly hue slowly introduced the fragrance to early yellow roses.
The Shades of Red
It’s easy to remember that red roses symbolize true love, but there are so many subtle shades beyond the classic red. For example, burgundy and dark red roses are often said to symbolize unconscious beauty while a single red rose is said to represent unwavering love.
Red also pairs well with other colors, which is a lovely way to insert multiple meanings into your Valentine’s Day gift. For example, you might combine red and white roses together to symbolize true love with peace and harmony. Another beautiful combination is yellow and orange to symbolize passion and exuberance.
If you’re looking for something new and creative this Valentine’s Day, take a look at the many colors of roses and how giving your loved one a colorful bouquet can add deeper meaning to this special holiday.