Don’t you love receiving a vibrant bouquet of gorgeous, fresh roses? Whenever you get a bouquet of flowers, of course you want them to last as long as possible. The floral experts at Rose Hill Flowers are eager to help you keep your flowers pristine and fresh to add longevity and see their beauty endure. Read More about Taking Great Care Of Your Flowers »
Posted by Rose Hill Flowers on July 9, 2018
Have table, will travel? If this isn't your mantra this summer, it might as well be. This is the time when all of us catch the travel bug, when we long for new destinations and experiences, engaging with cultures that inspire and challenge us out of our boxes. But for many of us, a major trip isn't in the cards this year, and that's just fine. Rose Hill Flowers knows exactly how to create a worldly, well-traveled vibe in your home, and it requires nothing more than a savvy floral design that recalls the most exciting places you love to fantasize about. Read More about How To Travel Without Leaving Your Home »
Posted by Rose Hill Flowers on July 2, 2018
| Last Updated: March 16, 2022
There are few occasions that call upon our national pride quite like the 4th of July does. This iconic summer holiday is also a historic celebration of our country's independence, a commemoration of those who have nobly served the U.S., and a time to gather with friends and family. We attend parades and other festivities, spend time in the great outdoors, play football, go boating, soak up the sun. We host barbecues and potlucks and pool parties, and at the end of it all, we head out to see the fireworks, our own sparklers in tow. Whether we're having people over to our own homes or going to someone else's, some patriotic flowers are in order to mark the occasion the way only flowers can. Rose Hill Flowers is here to help you do that. Read More about Flowers For Your 4th of July Table »
Summer calls for long, voluptuous dinner parties that take advantage of the warm days and mild nights. This is the time to plan a gathering that showcases the season's most delicious dishes. A menu might include a platter of salmon, a heaping bowl of garden-fresh salad and a sweet, cool sorbet for dessert. Sangria and wine are in order, as is a charcuterie spread with meats, cheeses and the bountiful fruits of the season. What's missing? Flowers, of course. Rose Hill Flowers has plenty of beautiful designs that work as table decor or the centerpiece itself for your summer dinners, whether they take place indoors lit by candles or outside under the stars. Read More about Your Summer Soiree Calls For Flowers »
Posted by Rose Hill Flowers on June 18, 2018
Since it's the month that sees more weddings than any other, Rose Hill Flowers is highlighting the floral work we do for our Nashville brides and grooms. Many of them choose to tie the knot at the dawn of summer, taking advantage of June's temperate, sunny nature. We provide flowers and greens to couples no matter what time of year they marry, and love our weddings so much we almost want to---pardon the pun---marry them.
If you're looking for some bouquet inspo, look no further. We're showcasing some of our favorite designs and showing off our range. Read More about Welcome To Wedding Season »
June 8th is Best Friend’s Day and the floral experts at Rose Hill Flowers are ready to help you celebrate! Did you know that yellow roses are the classic floral symbol of friendship? These happy blooms have historically represented all things warm and optimistic, though they were not found in Europe nearly as early as their classic pink or white counterparts. Once the yellow rose was discovered in the Middle East, Europeans quickly fell in love with its sunny warmth and joyful sentiment. Eventually the yellow rose came to be the iconic symbol for friendship, much like red roses symbolize love and white roses represent purity. Read More about Yellow Roses For The Best Of Friends »
Posted by Rose Hill Flowers on May 28, 2018
In summer, everything grows a little faster, from grass to kids to daylight hours. We spend more time outside, soaking in the warmth of the sun and the fresh air of the season. Summer memories just might include the bright showy flowers cultivated in neighborhood gardens or found growing wild alongside dirt roads. At Rose Hill Flowers, we’re creating artistic summer arrangements that remind us of summer days amid the blooms. Read More about Get Excited For Early Summer’s Flowers »
Posted by Rose Hill Flowers on May 20, 2018
On May 5, 1868, General John A. Logan, who was the leader of a northern Civil War veterans organization suggested that later that month, the nation should gather together for a national day of remembrance to honor the thousands of soldiers who lost the lives in the bloodiest battle in U.S. history. He suggested that on May 30, 1868, people all over the country should take flowers and other decorations to the cemeteries where soldiers who died in combat were buried. He chose that particular date for Decoration Day (as it was called then) because that date had no connection to any of the war’s battles. Read More about Make Memorial Day Special »
Mother’s Day is inching up on it, and before we know it, the day will be here. In the spirit of the occasion, the Rose Hill Flowers team of experienced floral designers is hard at work, creating the most spectacular flower arrangements they can conceive of - all to provide the Nashville community with flower gifts that every mom will love. After all, we are the Experts in the Art of Expression. Read More about A Flower Gift She’ll Love »
We’re getting close to the end of the school year. It’s an exciting time for graduates - regardless of whether they’re graduating from grade school, middle school, high school, or college. It represents the end of one chapter of their lives and the beginning of a new chapter - whatever that may hold for each graduate. The Rose Hill Flowers team is eager to help people throughout the Nashville community make each graduation, the special event it is and should be for graduates. Read More about Gifts With Flavor For The Graduate »